
Let's be Awesome at College

I get it. I've been there. You got your acceptance letter, you're applying for housing, your parents whimper and cry (or do a little dance) every time you mention things like "When I move out..." and "This fall, when I'm in College..." and you, you float between the Sea of Excitement and The Ocean of OHSHITOHSHITOHSHIT!

High School is new with it's lockers and schedules, marching band and football games... maybe even your first run in with Goths and emo kids. Let's be honest here though, your parents, siblings and friends were still around if shit got real. College won't be like that. If you're plan is to be that kid who calls your mom whenever you have to do anything besides sleep or party, or who is still hanging out with the exact group of friends four years post-pomp and circumstance... This blog isn't for you.

We've all heard the "seniors, what advice would you give to freshman" talk but how many times can you hear "make new friends" and "study abroad" before you want to actually leave the country and change your name just so people stop bothering you? This blog will touch lightly on those topics, because they are pretty important to the COLLEGE EXPERIENCE... but we're going to hit up some more realistic answers to some questions you're far more likely to actually ask yourself while you're trying to be Awesome At College.

I can't promise that this blog is going to be helpful to everyone, but let's start with the basic rule: just because you're offended, doesn't mean it's offensive. My opinions are my own and my college experience is/has been to my liking but you'll hear many a story of failure and just as many stories where I think I was successful and others thought I was bat shit crazy. You can judge for yourself. This will probably also be more helpful for girls because I am a girl, but there will be guest appearances by the boys that hang around with some helpful advice as well. Also, this should be generally applicable to all of you awesome people coming into higher learning... but there will be helpful tidbits for UGA kids because... well that's where I go...

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